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Fostering inclusion and diversity

Fostering inclusion and diversity

As any employer will know, in the UK there is a legal obligation to eliminate discrimination and allow equal opportunity in the workplace and this will encompass many categories such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality and disability. However, we should always strive to go above and beyond – not only is this the right thing to do but raising the bar in these areas will lead to a happier workplace overall. Happy employees are more productive and have greater job loyalty, so it’s a win-win! This post provides a brief overview to get started, along with a few perhaps lesser considered examples
Go green! Sustainability in the office

Go green! Sustainability in the office

Saving money and helping the environment at the same time seems like a no brainer. Many companies have seen their investments repaid manifold when working to increase their sustainability. When done correctly, morale is improved and also efficiency - for example, the World Green Building Fund found maximising natural light increases productivity by 15%!

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