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Support Small Local Businesses!

Support Small Local Businesses!

Helping and supporting our local businesses is even more important now that all the shops are open, as people may start to forget about them. Sometimes it takes seconds to help our local businesses and we do not even realise, but whether you want to spend money or not, we have found loads of ways that we can all support local high streets. It is so easy to go into a coffee shop chain on your lunch break to grab a sandwich and a drink, but ask yourself, isn’t it just as easy to walk into your local coffee shop and get lunch from there too? Here's Sheridan Ward's top tips to support local business
Mental health, employment & COVID

Mental health, employment & COVID

We have all been going through a global pandemic together and for some people this time of isolation has felt very lonely. The pandemic has affected day to day normalities for everyone and will have impacted many aspects of people's lives. The pandemic has also affected a lot of people's mental health whether they are actively in work or not. In this blog, there are some tips and tricks on how you can improve your mental health, as well as supporting your employees and colleague's mental health.
Make 2022 your year!

Make 2022 your year!

Sheridan Ward's handy guide to making the most of the opportunities 2022 might bring and staying happy and healthy in an ongoing pandemic. The pandemic has not been completely negative; I think it has allowed us to take a step back and really focus on how to best divide our time between everything that is important. It has been a period in our lives like no other. Even though it can be easy to focus on all of the negative things in life, it is so important to recognise the positives and focus on them. This blog is designed to help you find things to focus on, to try and improve your life in-between lockdowns!

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