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Should university be the default?

Should university be the default?

Pupils in England are required to remain in some form of education until they are 18. For the vast majority this will entail A-levels after GCSEs with the view to embarking on a university degree. Last year, over 50% of young adults continued to university education in September. However, lectures and coursework are not the only means to an education, and although this is certainly not suited to everyone irrespective of their intelligence, it is the default route we are herded towards as teenagers. Should so many of us be attending university, and what other avenues are available to the 50% who are left behind? Should pupils be driven towards university as the ultimate goal?
The right to disconnect

The right to disconnect

Looking at mental health in the wake of Covid’s new ways of working: As vaccine passports open up more avenues and we wonder if we will ever be truly post-pandemic, the ‘new normal’ will have to be reviewed across companies and industry. Some companies are embracing home working with open arms on a longer-term basis, with lower overheads cited as a benefit as well as oftentimes increased productivity. Employees have been glad to see the back of lengthy (and costly) commutes, enjoyed the flexibility and felt workflow was equal at home as in the office - however there have been knock-on effects on employee wellbeing which we explore here
Mental health, employment & COVID

Mental health, employment & COVID

We have all been going through a global pandemic together and for some people this time of isolation has felt very lonely. The pandemic has affected day to day normalities for everyone and will have impacted many aspects of people's lives. The pandemic has also affected a lot of people's mental health whether they are actively in work or not. In this blog, there are some tips and tricks on how you can improve your mental health, as well as supporting your employees and colleague's mental health.

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