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Should university be the default?

Should university be the default?

Pupils in England are required to remain in some form of education until they are 18. For the vast majority this will entail A-levels after GCSEs with the view to embarking on a university degree. Last year, over 50% of young adults continued to university education in September. However, lectures and coursework are not the only means to an education, and although this is certainly not suited to everyone irrespective of their intelligence, it is the default route we are herded towards as teenagers. Should so many of us be attending university, and what other avenues are available to the 50% who are left behind? Should pupils be driven towards university as the ultimate goal?
When life gives you lemons...

When life gives you lemons...

The intrinsic link between failure and success: it is human nature that we find failure difficult to talk or even think about – you don’t want to look it in the eye or linger. It is all too easy in the age of social media to believe our peers are thriving and achieving goal after goal behind the screen as well as on Instagram, when obviously this is not the reality. Success is a case of trial and error: encountering failures but choosing to learn from them. This entails some often uncomfortable self-analysis, but is also an immeasurably valuable learning opportunity if we choose to alter our mindset.
The importance of teamwork

The importance of teamwork

Teamwork within the workspace is probably the most important thing to have in an office. It is nice to know that when you go into work, you will be greeted by friendly, familiar faces. To put it plainly, teamwork is when different people/ groups across a business work together to maximise their efficiency and complete their goal. There are some amazing benefits to working as team, for you as an individual and for the big boss! This blog explains how this can be achieved
Make 2022 your year!

Make 2022 your year!

Sheridan Ward's handy guide to making the most of the opportunities 2022 might bring and staying happy and healthy in an ongoing pandemic. The pandemic has not been completely negative; I think it has allowed us to take a step back and really focus on how to best divide our time between everything that is important. It has been a period in our lives like no other. Even though it can be easy to focus on all of the negative things in life, it is so important to recognise the positives and focus on them. This blog is designed to help you find things to focus on, to try and improve your life in-between lockdowns!

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