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Burnout: epidemic or overdiagnosis?

Burnout: epidemic or overdiagnosis?

At this point most of us are familiar with the term burnout. In 2019 the World Health Organisation added it to their International Classification of Diseases as an occupational illness due to chronic, un-managed stress, and more recent news articles this month state that rates of burnout are projected to increase this year due to continued pandemic-related stressors. In its current, most widely used role, ‘burnout’ encompasses feelings of stress, emotional exhaustion, lack of energy or interest, and depression. Whether or not the terminology is correct, burnout signifies a major problem.
The right to disconnect

The right to disconnect

Looking at mental health in the wake of Covid’s new ways of working: As vaccine passports open up more avenues and we wonder if we will ever be truly post-pandemic, the ‘new normal’ will have to be reviewed across companies and industry. Some companies are embracing home working with open arms on a longer-term basis, with lower overheads cited as a benefit as well as oftentimes increased productivity. Employees have been glad to see the back of lengthy (and costly) commutes, enjoyed the flexibility and felt workflow was equal at home as in the office - however there have been knock-on effects on employee wellbeing which we explore here
When life gives you lemons...

When life gives you lemons...

The intrinsic link between failure and success: it is human nature that we find failure difficult to talk or even think about – you don’t want to look it in the eye or linger. It is all too easy in the age of social media to believe our peers are thriving and achieving goal after goal behind the screen as well as on Instagram, when obviously this is not the reality. Success is a case of trial and error: encountering failures but choosing to learn from them. This entails some often uncomfortable self-analysis, but is also an immeasurably valuable learning opportunity if we choose to alter our mindset.
Support Small Local Businesses!

Support Small Local Businesses!

Helping and supporting our local businesses is even more important now that all the shops are open, as people may start to forget about them. Sometimes it takes seconds to help our local businesses and we do not even realise, but whether you want to spend money or not, we have found loads of ways that we can all support local high streets. It is so easy to go into a coffee shop chain on your lunch break to grab a sandwich and a drink, but ask yourself, isn’t it just as easy to walk into your local coffee shop and get lunch from there too? Here's Sheridan Ward's top tips to support local business
Go green! Sustainability in the office

Go green! Sustainability in the office

Saving money and helping the environment at the same time seems like a no brainer. Many companies have seen their investments repaid manifold when working to increase their sustainability. When done correctly, morale is improved and also efficiency - for example, the World Green Building Fund found maximising natural light increases productivity by 15%!

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